The M410 Modbus to Serial adapter is based on the uModbus micro python library and a MAX485 processor and IC.
M innovation provides the modified uModbus source code for use on AlphaX devices in it's entirety. This allows users to fully extend the capability of AlphaX, the M410 adapter and uModbus to suit their application. The latest channel firmware and required libraries are available on M innovation's GitHub.
The same firmware can be used to implement both RTU and TCP variations of both client and server.
This QuickStart covers the basics of uploading the required libraries, the channel firmware and customise
1: Download the latest copy of the firmware and libraries from M innovation's GitHub.
2: Find your your AlphaX device WLAN network and connect. The WLAN network will be in the format "AlphaX-%Model%-%Last 4 digits of serial% eg. AlphaX-MHM4-629
3: Ftp into the device using filezilla or your preferred FTP tool. For detailed instructions on how to setup FTP connections please view the FTP section in the MHM4 user manual (or manual for the device you own). Username: micro Password: python IP:
4: Copy the library files into /flash/lib/ folder of your device.
5: Rename the channel script to match the channel of the AlphaX device you are using prefixed with "ch". For example
6: Edit the lines of the channel firmware to match the slave address, starting address, number of registers and signed Boolean. This information will be provided by your Modbus device documentation. WARNING - you are editing an AlphaX firmware file. this may cause your device to function incorrectly if not done correctly. If you have any doubt please contact M innovation support or your integrator for direct assistance.
slave_addr=2 ################ EDIT TO SUIT APPLICATION - Supplied by Device Docs
starting_address=62594 ################ EDIT TO SUIT APPLICATION - Supplied by Device Docs
register_quantity=1 ################ EDIT TO SUIT APPLICATION - Supplied by Device Docs
signed=True ################ EDIT TO SUIT APPLICATION - Supplied by Device Docs
7: Copy the channel file to the /flash/channel/ folder of your device.
8: Plug the SP13 connector from the Device to the M-sense M410 Modbus to Serial Adapter using an original AlphaX X-Cable.
9: Wire the Modbus A+ and B- connectors to the yellow screw terminals inside the M-sense M410 Modbus to Serial Adapter. The terminal closest to the SP13 serial connector is A+.
10. Reset your device by pressing the LED button on the side of your AlphaX device.
11. The TX and RX LED's will blink on the MAX485 IC in the M410 Modbus to Serial Adapter. It is safe to install the lid of the adapter.
12. The AlphaX device LED button will blink for 1.2 second on successful read and transmission of the Modbus data.
Q: None of the LED indicators are flashing on the M410 IC or the AlphaX device.
A: It is likely that you have a corrupted channel firmware file. Check the syntax and indentation of the python script and re-upload.
Q: The M410 IC only blinks on the TX transmission LED.
A: It is likely that the slave address or register address you have entered is incorrect or you have selected an incorrect function. Check your settings and try again.
Q: The lights of the M410 IC are flashing but I get a 0 data transmission
A: It is likely that you are reading an empty register/coil. Check the slave and register address and try again.